Snehavardhan Filtrox System


Sputum Booth

Safe and Efficient Aerosol Collection

The Sputum Booth is an essential tool for controlled aerosol collection and patient security, and it is proudly offered by Snehavardhan Filtrox Systems, a reputable manufacturer and exporter with headquarters in Pune. Our Sputum Booth, which is intended for healthcare facilities, provides a safe and clean atmosphere that is essential for the collecting and diagnosis of sputum samples.
Utilize the Sputum Booth by Snehavardhan Filtrox Systems to improve the sputum sample collecting process’ accuracy and safety. As a recognized manufacturer and exporter, we are dedicated to providing healthcare solutions that put the welfare of patients and high-quality medical care first. Explore our extensive selection of healthcare-specific equipment and services.

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Key Features:

  • Effective Aerosol Containment: Our Sputum Booth is engineered to contain aerosols generated during sputum sample collection, minimizing the risk of airborne pathogen transmission.
  • Advanced Filtration: Equipped with high-quality HEPA filters, it efficiently traps particulate matter and microbes, maintaining clean and breathable air within the booth.
  • Patient Comfort: Designed with patient comfort in mind, the booth provides a well-lit and ergonomic space for sputum sample collection.


  • Infection Control: Safeguard healthcare professionals and patients from potential infection risks by containing and filtering aerosols at the source.
  • Precision Diagnosis: Ensure reliable and uncontaminated sputum samples, essential for accurate diagnoses and treatment decisions.
  • Compliance and Certifications: Our Sputum Booth complies with healthcare standards and holds certifications that attest to its performance and safety.


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